Scott's Stuff



"Scott's Web Apps" - Scott DeSapio © 2010. All Rights Reserved.

What are "Scott's Web Apps?"

I'm Scott. I'm a software engineer. Sometimes I build iPhone Apps for myself and my wife. These would be those.

Where can I leave feedback?

To leave positive feedback, go to For negative feedback, send a self addressed stamped envelope with your feedback to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500.

Are "Scott's Web Apps" free?

While "Scott's Web Apps" would be considered freeware, freeware does not mean free. "Freeware" simply means the software is fully functional and can be used without limitation. If you like "Scott's Web Apps" and find them to be of use, you are expected to pay a small fee.

Will the software continue to work if I don't pay?

Yes. "Scott's Web Apps" will continue to work indefinitely whether you pay for them or not.

How will you know if I paid for an app?

I won't. It's called the honor system.

If you won't know, why should I pay?

Because you're a person of integrity governing yourself with honor at your foundation.

Will the ads be removed if I pay?

No. I make money when the ads are clicked. The ad clicks are the sole source of recurring revenue. Someone needs to pay the bills and keep the lights on. That would be me.

What happens if I pay and you go out of business?

You're out some dough.

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